AetherX Mind Deck (Printed Edition)

AetherX Mind Deck (Printed Edition)

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Mind Deck PDF Instructions: DOWNLOAD HERE

  • Download our free PDF manual of the Mind Deck by clicking on MIND DECK PDF INSTRUCTIONS right above the product description.
  • UPDATE: (8/12/24): All AetherX Card Decks have been upgraded with increased energetic optimization and amplification. All 3 Card Decks now have an increased potency of 300% with each card including amplifiers which can amplify each card to a higher amplification range.
  • AetherX Mind Deck includes 44 cards designed to improve the energetic conditioning within your organs, glands and bodily systems that are directly linked to your emotional and mental subtle bodies. Each card contains bio scalar energy and source-enhanced frequencies and deep meditation-imbued aetheric codes to help charge areas of your body for enhanced performance and increased vitality.
  • Cards work with the emotional and mental levels of your organs, glands, bodily systems, chakra centers, mental areas within the brain & provide subtle energy enhancement to your entire body through the power of mental energy vitality, love energy vitality, Spirit/Scalar vitality & amplification to enhance your manifestations.
  • Cards include 4 amplifier cards that can be used by placing each of them behind a single card to increase the strength and potency of the single card.
  • Cards can be used in 4 different ways:
    • Gazing method: Looking directly at the card for at least 60 seconds for codes within the cards to bond with your energy field.
    • Body method: Placing the card anywhere on the body for at least 60 seconds.
    • Water method: Placing the card against a glass or container of water for at least 60 seconds and sipping the water for the codes to enter your energy field.
    • Capture method: Placing a photo of yourself or someone else on the card for at least 60 seconds and the codes within the card will enter the energy field of the person(s) within the photo.

For further information on how to use the AetherX Mind Deck, see our free e-course video below:

Cards: (View Content of Cards Here)

  • Root Chakra Releaser:

  • Navel Chakra Releaser

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Releaser

  • Heart Chakra Releaser

  • Throat Chakra Releaser

  • Third Eye Chakra Releaser

  • Crown Chakra Releaser

  • Brain Emotional Releaser

  • Sensory Emotional Releaser

  • Spine Emotional Releaser

  • Thyroid Emotional Releaser

  • Heart Emotional Releaser

  • Lungs Emotional Releaser

  • Liver Emotional Releaser

  • Stomach Emotional Releaser

  • Pancreas Emotional Releaser

  • Kidney Emotional Releaser

  • Intestinal Emotional Releaser

  • Reproductive Emotional Releaser

  • Cellular Emotional Releaser

  • Body System Emotional Releaser

  • Aura Releaser

  • Addiction Purifier

  • Entity Attachment Purifier

  • Spirit Light Purifier 

  • Lucid Dream Stabilizer

  • Focus Stabilizer

  • Psychic Sense Enhancer

  • Manifestation Enhancer

  • Love Energy Enhancer

  • Mental Energy Enhancer

  • Youth Body Enhancer

  • Grounding Enhancer

  • Prana Purifier

  • Limbs Emotional Releaser

  • ​Beta Brainwave Stabilizer

  • Alpha Brainwave Stabilizer

  • Theta Brainwave Stabilizer

  • Delta Brainwave Stabilizer

  • Gamma Brainwave Stabilizer

  • 5X Amplifier

  • 10X Amplifier

  • 20X Amplifier

  • 30X Amplifier

specific decks

for different healing purpose

Energy: replenish the living prana within your body increasing circulation and improving wellness within the body overall. It is also work with capturing living vibration and imbuing it directly into the geometry of the cards. 

Mind: clear toxins and debris out of the body, only in this case, it's the debris and toxins of the emotional and mental bodies. From chakra clearing, organ and body system clearing, Aura repair, entity attachment removal, releasing of addictions, psychic enhancement, manifestation enhancement and much more!

Body: detoxify and cleanse the body of viruses, toxins, pathogens, bacteria and other bodily discrepancies. It also works to clean the body's major organs, glands and bodily systems from impurities.

healing cards

how to use

We prepared 3 detailed guides for each of our healing card decks, have a look at the instructions for the mind deck here!

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If one is highly receptive and sensitive to intuitive energies, they will have the greatest success in using the AetherX Card Deck (formerly known as the Healing Code Cards). This is because you yourself are the magnetic power source that is fueling the very Spirit/Source commands imbued within each AetherX Card. As you hold your natural magnetic focus concentrating upon the card(s) for the 60 second time span, your energy in all its power and glory is being reflected and amplified back to you refined through the Spirit/Source commands contained within the AetherX Cards. Therefore it is the very amplification, magnetism and reprogramming of your own energy that is being reflected back to you as you observe these cards. The same goes with their amplification to water, and being placed upon your body. The AetherX Cards are in contact with your energy field.

​Therefore, as they are in contact, those codes will go into the water for water is a natural mirror and collector of consciousness itself. Those codes will be stored into the water molecules and as you drink it, those codes become amplified by your energy naturally. The same goes with the body as it is your energy amplifying the effect of each command contained within a particular AetherX Card.

​Those who are not so sensitive or receptive to intuitive energies may feel like that they do not sense any changes upon using the cards. It’s not that there are no changes happening, but they are very subtle because the individual is not receptively open to intuitive energy. One can see it like the strength of a magnet. There can be, for example, a very weak magnet that has exceptionally low polarity. Yet, if you move it close enough, it will bind to some degree. And then there are magnets that are strong in polarity and will bind with great magnetic force.

​To the one who has a low magnetic polarity, they would best benefit from performing energy work and inner development. Through meditation, improving the physical body and performing inner practice, they will overtime hold a greater magnetic charge. As this progresses, when using the AetherX Cards, the effect felt will become more apparent based on their increase of intuitive magnetic energy overall in a manner of speaking.

The AetherX Cards are universally available for everyone and are not restricted to a certain person, otherwise they wouldn't be able to be sold publicly. When anyone uses the cards, the cards are personable for them and their needs. When passed to another person, the same thing applies. They are universally available for all, but also make themselves personal for each person their passed to. 

Not only can they be used for chronic conditions, they can be used for ALL conditions relating to the physical body. In creating the AetherX Cards, Brad Johnson has done thorough research in applying the transcendental AetherX codes to specific areas of the body to weaken and eliminate illnesses and ailments commonly found in the body. To find out more about each of the Healing Code Cards function through the Body Deck, visit our Body Deck page to see the list of illnesses that are dealt with through the Healing Code Cards.

Before using the cards, get yourself relaxed and comfortable. Let there be no disturbances as you use the cards. Think of having a personal healing session or a massage. You want to let yourself unwind and not be distracted by anything that takes you away from your healing time.

​After using your AetherX Cards, drink a glass of pure or mineral water and let yourself relax afterwards. These AetherX codes are working through your own life force energy (prana) on your body clearing away illnesses, viruses and toxins. Give your body time to rest and allow the codes to detoxify the areas of the body.

​It's also recommended to use the cards in the morning to mid-day if possible. AetherX cards can bring you high vitality and if used late at night, you may find yourself staying up late with a great deal of revitalized energy flowing through you. Overtime as your body gets more used to the AetherX Cards, you'll find your vitality evening out on a content level, and evening usage will become more calming.

Yes, this would be recommended. For beginners, start with one card on an area of your body that feel requires the most attention for healing: the brain, the heart, the kidneys for example. If you find that your energy levels are calm throughout the day and into the evening, then start the next day with two cards and be aware of how you feel. Monitor your energy levels and if you feel at a content level using two or more cards, continue with the process.

If you are working with the amplification function of the Aether Bed Kit, it would be recommended to start of with small percentages of amplification at first (e.g. - 5% or 10%) and maintain that rate of amplification for at least a week, and then feel free to amplify the bed every 5% or 10% for the next week and continue with this pattern.

If you are not feeling any sensation from the bed, feel free to increase the amplification. However, even if you are not feeling any sensations, that does not mean the bed is not working on you, it just means you're not on the level of energetic sensitivity to feel it. If this is the case, continue to work with it more overtime and you will start to feel it more as time progresses.

None whatsoever. The cards are specifically designed to detoxify, restore and enhance your body through your own life force energy (prana). If you find that your body is highly toxic and ill, this is why it's recommended to use one card per day and monitor yourself to see how you feel. A reminder that you only have to look at the card for at least 60 seconds and no longer. The same applies if you place the card on your body: a minimum of 60 seconds. If you charge you water with an AetherX Card, sip it very slowly. Each body can react differently depending on their level of toxicity. If the body feels like it is responding to intensely to the AetherX Cards, its recommended to put them aside for a few days as you work with transitional dietary and exercise routines. As your strength returns, you can go back to using the AetherX Cards. Remember to drink plenty of water and to get rest. This is why it's best to use a AetherX Card in the morning or latest, the midday when you first begin. Understand that no one person is identical to another. Everyone will feel the effects of the AetherX Cards in their own way, so please start very gentle with yourself and work your way up slowly with one card per day. 

Absolutely! You can use it as often as you like as each day goes by. Remember, as long as you're using it for the 60 second minimum each day, the AetherX Card can fully do its job within your body. You may want to use it for a longer period each day and that's completely fine too. Use it as often as you like.

The AetherX Cards are sent to Brad Johnson directly from Spirit and embed themselves into the card based on a specific command that Brad intends through each card. Spirit is infinite intelligence and intelligent infinity. It knows all, and so the mind of Spirit is contained inside each unique card and knows what to do in eliminating and detoxifying illnesses + restoring, enhancing and amplifying the areas of your body. With its powerful mind, the body becomes repaired overtime.

Yes you can! Its recommended to charge their drinking water with the card of your choosing that you feel would serve them best. Apply the 60 second rule for charging and monitor them as they drink their water. If they feel fine and not dizzy or fatigued, you can continue to charge their water with the cards, however; one card per day for them would be recommended.​

Yes you can, but it's good to start off with one at first just so you can get the feel of it upon your body. The Healing Code Cards works directly with your life force energy and so it is recommended you get a feel for what each card does for you. So it would be suggested to work with one at a time, and as you get used to the feel of each card, you can certainly look to add multiple cards at once with yourself.

Do you have any other questions regarding the Healing Code Cards? Please feel free to contact us with your question.


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