Torus Bed Kit (Queen Size)

Torus Bed Kit (Queen Size)

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PDF Instruction Manual: DOWNLOAD HERE

Torus Bed Kits (Queen Size) is imbued with Scalar and BioMagnetism to charge the cells of your body to assist in self-healing.


(For the FREE PDF Instruction Manual, scroll down and click on the "Instructions PDF" tab to download.)

NOTE: All sizes of the Torus Bed Kits + Source Flashlights products are sent from Eastern Canada, whereas all other products on AetherX are sent from Western Canada. Please be aware of this when ordering as you will receive two packages. Thank you.

Washing Instructions for the Torus Bed Kit

To wash the Bed Kit, place it in your washing machine washing it in cold water with a mild detergent. Afterwards you can hang dry or place in the dryer on a low heat setting.

What is the Torus Bed Kit?

The Torus Bed Kit is the ultimate healing technology product on AetherX. The Bed Kit contains four different items in all: 2 pillow cases, a fitted bed sheet, and a duvet cover that you can use as a sleeping blanket, or place a quilt or comforter inside of it. it comes in 4 standard US bed sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, and King. The Torus Bed Kit comes in a single color style of Dark Navy and are 100% pure cotton.

Size Chart:


38" X 75"


54" X 74"


60" X 80"


76" X 80"

The Torus Bed Kit contains a vast amount of healing features designed to neutralize all detrimental life force energy from the organs, glands, bodily systems and even the cells of the body. It would be considered the closest product to a med-bed available for the public today.

How does it work?

Our Torus Bed Kit is an amalgamation of previous versions of bed kits (Prana Bed Kit) that assisted in helping to heal and rejuvenate the body. It also holds the capabilities of a conceived bed kit (known as the Earth bed) that uses the Schumann resonance (7.83 Hz baseline vibration of the Earth) to ground and center the body while you sleep improving the body's natural ability to heal.

Source Center Vibration

The Torus Bed Kit utilizes the body's reservoir of prana contained in the Solar Plexus to rejuvenate all major organs, glands, muscles, tissues, ligaments and bodily systems improving their health overtime. It also works with the Source Center Vibration, the vibration that resides within the center of all living things to remove all toxicities from within the bodies and its infrastructure in totality.

Kundalini Healing Power

The Torus Bed Kit also contains coding to work with your own inner Kundalini Healing Power. This does not involve a kundalini awakening or activation. What it involves is working with the spiritual intelligence of your body to guide prana from within your body into areas that are compromised through physical degradation, toxicity, and more and discharge the debris from your body. This occurs while the Source Center Vibration works to charge the affected areas unifying them back into harmony. Through the Source Center Vibration and the Kundalini Healing Power, you are receiving both a charge and discharge of affected areas assisting in their renewal and rejuvenation.

Most importantly, the Torus Bed Kit is thorough in helping to repair, rejuvenate and revitalize the body. Our latest version of the Torus Bed Kit works on every physically known area of the body restoring it while you lay or sit upon the bed. No concentration or meditative state is needed. As long as you are in physical contact with any of the bed kit's items, you will receive the healing effect of the Bed Kit once it has been activated by you personally. Activation and usage instructions of the Torus Bed Kit are included on this page as a PDF Document available for download. 

What additional functions does it have?

Not only does the Torus Bed Kit work to detoxify, repair, rejuvenate, and revitalize your body, it also contains additional features that assist you on the energetic level. The Torus Bed works with your energy body as it utilizes the vibration of "AUM" to balance and center the Chakra centers. It also works to decontaminate and release any obstructions contained within the flowing energy paths (nadis) of your body. The Torus Bed Kit assists in opening and stimulating all 12 acupuncture meridians of your body.

The Torus Bed Kit goes even deeper and works with you on an astrological level dampening malefic effects of the planets minimalizing your impact from their influence. Additionally, it also assists in helping you with vivid or lucid dreaming experiences as the Torus Bed Kit aids in bringing full relaxation and calmness to your body. Those that are experienced with lucid dreaming and/or astral projection would benefit greatly from this Bed Kit as it assists tremendously with the preparation process of stillness as you intend an out of body experience. 

When do I start feeling effects from the Torus Bed Kit?

Some of our customers have felt healing effects occur immediately, where others require a little more time before they can detect differences throughout their body. Every person is different and there is no way to predict how one will feel exactly when using the Torus Bed Kit. It's important to remember that the technology that resides within the Bed Kit is a living technology (similar to the Tarot or Oracle cards), and has a consciousness of its own.  We have found that those who interact with their bed by talking aloud or internally with it, and who also see it as an extensions of their own self reap the greatest results with the Torus Bed Kit.  We do not make any medical claims on the usage of the Torus Bed Kit, although we have received a large amount of feedback from our customers on how the Bed Kits have majorly improved one's own physical and emotional condition after using it for a short amount of time.

Our Torus Bed Kit is backed with a 90 day money back guarantee. If you're not satisifed with using the Bed Kit after 90 days of receiving your bed in the mail, simply fill out our online 90-day money back guarantee form, and the amount for your bed kit and postage to return it will be refunded to you.

For any additional questions regarding the Torus Bed Kit, please contact us by email at, or join our free Telegram group.

turn your bedroom into a natural healing place


The Torus Bed has a single activation mode which includes automatic functions in balancing your brainwaves and encouraging natural sleep as your circadian rhythm is monitored through the AetherX Transcendental Codes.

When Activated, the Torus Bed activates the source center point in your cells, chakras, and acupoint meridians to detoxify every cell in the body and replenish it with the perfect power of the divine center.

The Torus Bed works with every cell in your body and rejuvenates your body on a physical, mental, emotional, vital, karmic, and akashic level. Improvement of health and well-being begins within days of using the Torus Bed bringing new life into your body!


The Torus Bed Kit when activated can be used by multiple others (including pets and plants). When you activate the Torus Bed, others can reap the benefit of its healing effects together.

Yes! Humans, animals and even plants can reap the benefits of using the Torus Bed.

The Torus Bed Kit has no age limits as it balances the energy of each person through the monitoring of their circadian rhythm. Everyone who uses the Torus Bed Kit will have the appropriate amount of healing energy working with them.

Yes! As long as your body is making weighted contact (not skin contact) with the bed sheet, duvet cover and pillow case, you will receive the benefits of the Torus Bed Kit. You are more than welcome to have other coverings over it as long as you are in physical contact with the components of the Torus Bed.

If the Torus Bed feels too intense for you when you have activated it with no amplification, you can refer to the Torus Bed Kit instruction PDF manual on how to turn off the bed function.​

If you are working with the amplification function of the Torus Bed Kit, it would be recommended to start of with small percentages of amplification at first (e.g. - 5% or 10%) and maintain that rate of amplification for at least a week, and then feel free to amplify the bed every 5% or 10% for the next week and continue with this pattern.

If you are not feeling any sensation from the bed, feel free to increase the amplification. However, even if you are not feeling any sensations, that does not mean the bed is not working on you, it just means you're not on the level of energetic sensitivity to feel it. If this is the case, continue to work with it more overtime and you will start to feel it more as time progresses.

When you place your order through AetherX, it is processed through our supplier, Art of Where. Our supplier takes on average 7 business days to complete the production of an order. That means that your Bed Kit is being custom designed for you. This process involves sewing, printing and packaging the bed kit together. Once it is completed in the production phase, it moves onto the shipping phase where your order will be provided a tracking link. Once that tracking link appears on your order, AetherX support staff will email you your tracking link for your order. Shipping time varies per country, but on average, shipping takes approximately 5-10 business days. So expect approximately 2-3 weeks for your Bed Kit to reach you.